Preparing for Inktober 2020

For years I've wanted to take part in Inktober, a worldwide challenge spanning over October to create 31 ink drawings. The challenge was created by Jake Parker in 2009 but has since been recreated by other artists using prompts better suited to their audiences. I chose to use Sha'an d'Anthes AKA Furry Little Peach's list as the prompts were more object-based and interested me more. 

The list was posted in Mid-September, and since then I've been working to get most of them done before October starts to keep on top of them. I started with writing out the prompts and generating ideas for each of them to relate back to. From there I made a Pinterest board for inspiration and started digitally drawing some ideas, here is a really messy page of initial sketches!

Sketches in Adobe Fresco

It has been hard to balance work since started uni but I've managed to get through 15 prompts so that should give me enough time to manage both and keep on top of my sketchbook. I'm excited to start posting them as I think it'll be a good opportunity to meet and follow other creatives and see different approaches to the prompts. Also following artists from other universities will give me an insight into the paths they are taking. 

I love using sepia ink as the tone creates such a warm atmosphere and roughly follows the traditional Inktober rules. At the end of the month, I plan to scan in the paintings to make a small book as a way to showcase and document the work I've produced, it also contrasts the digital work I tend to do more of now, showing a wider range of skills in my portfolio. 

Below are two of the sketches I used for the ink paintings, I printed them out at a low opacity so the linework wouldn't be seen through the ink. This process worked well as I could alter the linework easily without making a mess on the watercolour paper. I hope I'll be able to get the all done and hopefully Sha'an might see some of them!

Day 2- Raccoon

Day 19- Cold


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