Inktober So Far!

I'm currently around halfway through Inktober and loving it. Although the process of generating ideas, digitally drawing, painting and photographing has been pretty time consuming, its been so rewarding to see the responses they have received. Throughout the month, I've enjoyed the social aspect and talking to other creatives on similar paths to me. Sha'an d'Anthes (creator of the prompt list) is Australian, therefore many of the artists also live in Australia so its been fun communicating with people from around the world. Instagram is such a huge platform for creatives, its easy to get swept up and feel unmotivated with all the talent already out there, but since starting this challenge, I've realised how supportive it is. People are always sharing and reposting artwork and not afraid to give praise to those who may have a lesser following. It's encouraged me to keep going when there seem to be so many plates spinning!

I thought I'd share a few of the artists I've found through the month for your benefit and for mine to look back on! It's been so interesting to see how others have interpreted the prompts and what mediums they chose to use. First up is Meg Cummings who I've spoken to a few times about creative process. I love the texture and atmosphere she creates in her illustrations. 

Meg Cummins, Artist and Illustrator based in Auckland, New Zealand

Amirah Sheikh, Illustrator based in London

More Colourful Entries- Aatreyee Choudhury and Phoebe Ginger

Through doing this challenge, I have gained confidence in sharing my artwork and have been able to find people who have similar interests. Luckily I've always been quite self-motivated as I know it takes a lot of work to be successful in the creative industry, which is why I'm grateful to have a platform to continue networking and share my work. Above are only a few accounts I've started following, there's a lot more who are active on the hashtag and spread positivity the smaller art accounts like mine.  

In terms of process, this year has welcomed a wide range of mediums and skill sets which has made it more interesting. On the #Peachtober20 hashtag I've loved exploring different interpretations and approach to the prompt list. While I used ink, many took alternate approaches to the prompts utilising sculpture, making jewellery, painting and digital processes.

In conclusion, I'm so glad I took part in Inktober. Even though it has been a challenge juggling project work with the daily paintings, it's so rewarding talking to new people and building more of a social presence for myself which will benefit me beyond university.  


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