Illustration Selected for Cheltenham Illustration Awards!

Just a quick post to say my illustration got selected to be in this years Cheltenham Illustration Annual! 

Earlier this week I received an email from Pittville Press thanking me for my entry and giving me the amazing news that I was successful in making it down from over 800 entries the 50 selected to be in the annual. I can't believe I got in with it being a worldwide competition and open to all ages! Although like most things this year, the exhibition has been pushed back to March next year to coincide with the launch of the 2021 theme. 

The annual is being printed at the start of November so hopefully I should receive a copy soon after. I'm waiting to hear back with more information on the location of the exhibition and whether my illustration will be showcased in the gallery as its only able to exhibit 30 entries. Fingers crossed!


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