My Cheltenham Illustration Annual Came!

After waiting months for this annual, it eventually came last week! I'm so happy with it and love so many of the entries. It's interesting to see how other people have interpreted the theme, both reading their stories and seeing the variety of mediums. The annual is categorised with students at the front then moves into emerging and established artists. 

Since receiving the annual, the new theme has been announced entitled, 'The Story of a Better Tomorrow' which I'm hoping to enter over the summer. The deadline is the 16th of June so depending on when I finish the Macmillan Prize submission, I might work on this after because I loved doing it last year. Sadly, the 2020 exhibition in Museum in the Park, Stroud has been postponed and will be showcased in a bogger exhibition with the 2021 entries next year. Here is the annual! 


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