Editorial Project Action Plan

Project Action Plan and Timetable


Week Commencing

Activity/ What I Intend to Do

Resources/ Materials


16th November

Module briefing ad find out films.

Little White Lies research pages in sketchbook.

Start research of editorial illustration

Update blog with evaluation of last project and thoughts on this one.

Watch and review each film- The Birds, Tetsuo Iron Man, The Grand Budapest Hotel

Look at books on reading list, spend time researching editorial design

Internet and book research, make new Pinterest board, Little White Lies magazines, reading list


23rd November

Finish reviews and sketches for each book, print all research

Begin mood boards and mindmaps for chosen film.

Review previous Little White Lies edition covers, get a better understanding of the publication, aesthetics, imagery, audience, target market etc.

Weekly update on blog

Access to Blogger and Prezi, Pinterest for secondary imagery, digital software, magazines for mood boards


30th November


Experiment with materials for portraits, mark-marking in uni session using oil pastels and ink, could look at risoprint to use purple and pink?

Start scanning mock-ups and illustrations to look at digital composition

CAD workshop working in Illustrator to make a spot illustration, wireframe for producing two-page spread

Work on artist research

Photoshop, Illustrator, access to teams files, inks, oil pastels, coloured pencils


7th December

Artist research of Luis Mazon, editorial illustrator for Little White Lies, focus on technique, application

Other artists to research: Lauren Child, Wes Anderson, look at illustrators for The New Yorker, other magazines/websites

Select appropriate methods of illustration in relation to film and characters

Thumbnailing process and sketching ideas, turn into clearer concepts

Weekly blog post and SWOT analysis

Digital software, painting, digital mock-ups, thumbnailing, internet for research


14th December

Update blog on progress and artist post.

Continue experimentation with different themes covered in the film (Friendship, loyalty, teamwork, love, war, travel), focus on Zero as main character for front cover and spot illustrations, link between him and Gustave/ Agatha

Illustrate on book pages and pull out quotes to use in the design.

Collate imagery, colour schemes and typefaces and create a visual mood board to use for the final design.

Break for Christmas

Collated materials: colour swatches, primary and secondary imagery, typography and quotes from the film, movie details (run time, actors, screening, box office)


4th January


Finalise ideas and begin finals, narrow down ideas and complete a SWOT analysis for each, possibly collect opinions from the public on their favourite composition (could be on @amelias.studio Instagram)

Print finals to see if the compositions work to the correct scale, colour choices when printed?

Annotate and update sketchbook with typed evaluation and SWOT analysis 

Thumbnailing ideas, create survey for response to designs, on Instagram account


11th January

Digital illustration and colourisation. Compose each part and piece together in InDesign or Illustrator.

Progression blog post showing thumbnails and development of my ideas.

Making any additional pages, possibly the inside cover pattern using assets created earlier in the project, continuity through cover and interior illustrations

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, inks


20th January

HAND IN on Monday 4pm, finalise loose ends in sketchbook

Final annotation, research and add screenshots of progression, showing any changes and alterations I’ve made in the process.

Artist blog post, make sure its up to date with progress, conferences and artist research

Complete evaluation.

Digital software to construct the cover design

Word processing, Moodle


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