Commercial Illustration Practice: Action Plan

Below is an action plan that details the research and progression I will complete each week until hand in of my final project 'Commercial Illustration Practice' on the 7th May. In the next few weeks, I aim to produce all artist research and finish research of the three titles so I can focus on Goodnight Mister Tom. I plan to read and watch the film to generate the foundations for the project, creating character boards and mood boards with associated symbolism and prominent themes in the book. 

Week Commencing
Activity/ What I Intend to Do
Resources/ Materials
16th March
Tutorials and module briefing.
Book research pages in sketchbook.
Start proposal, treatment, presentation and action based on research.
Update blog with evaluation of last project and thoughts on this one.
Prezi, Internet and book research, Pinterest.
23rd March
Finish presentation, proposal and treatment for Thursday, send to tutors.
Finish sketchbook pages for each book, begin mood boards and mindmaps chosen book.
Start etching and artist research
Progression blog post and update.
Access to Blogger and Prezi, Pinterest for secondary imagery, etching materials and digital software.
30th March
Continue Spitfire etching ready for printing.
Charlie Mackesy artist research and ink response work.
Research of book covers through generations, contrast to ones I grew up with, thumbnail different approaches to the design.
Source contextual imagery from World War 2 from the Beamish Archives.
Etching materials, digital, collection of children’s books including ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’, Promarkers.
Beamish Archive website
6th April
Look into context of Goodnight Mr Tom and develop initial concepts, try alternate mediums.
Adding colour; link to theme, colour connotations and concept.
Reference ‘The Folio Society’ book covers and slipcases.
Photographic collage, etching, linoprint, painting, ink.
Digital mock-ups.
13th April
Update blog on progress and artist post.
Continue experimentation with different themes covered in the book (Mister Tom’s love and compassion in contrast to the devastation caused by War)
Illustrate on book pages and pull out quotes to use in the design.
Collate imagery, colour schemes and typefaces and create a visual mood board to use for the final design.
Collated materials; colour swatches, primary and secondary imagery, typography and quotes
20th April
Finalise ideas and begin final mock-ups, narrow down ideas and complete a SWOT analysis for each, possibly collect opinions from the public on the favourite design.
Mock-up designs and make into actual book covers to see if the composition works to the correct scale, colour choices when printed?
Thumbnailing ideas, create survey for response to designs, books to create sleeve.
27th April
Digital illustration and colourisation. Compose each part and piece together in InDesign.
Progression blog post showing thumbnails and development of my ideas.
Making any additional bits, possibly 3D perforated paper plane or postcard for back page catered for the younger audience.
Photoshop, InDesign, possibly etching depending on its success and suitability for the final concept.
4th May
HAND IN on Thursday 4pm, work to finish concept and print onto Bristol board to create a strong sleeve for the book.
Final annotation in sketchbook, tie up research and add screenshots of progression, showing any changes and alterations I’ve made in the process.
Complete evaluation.
Digital software to construct the cover design
Word processing.


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