Ohh Deer X Sainsburys Competition Entry

As if I didn't have enough to do coming to the end of my second year, I decided to enter a competition with Ohh Deer! Ohh Deer is an online stationery company that host competitions each year to design various objects. I've previously taken part in a competition to design their cardboard packaging. This time, they've teamed up with Sainsbury's to produce a card design for Valentines Day 2022. 41 shortlisted design will be part of a feature end in 230 Sainsbury’s stores with the favourite design in 520! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to enter (even though I don't like Valentines Day haha) so set to making a design to fit the brief. I thought it would be good to have two characters or animals without it being too soppy or romantic, something lighthearted with a quirky design.

Since I only had a few days until the deadline on the 30th of April, I wanted to produce a simple design using either ink, monoprint or design something digitally on Fresco. I looked at lots of the other designs on Instagram on the @Ohhdeersubmissions page and found that a lot of them used puns like 'Bee mine' and 'Owl always love you', so I wanted to stay away from this very saturated area!  

Idea generation, looking at how I could position the two tortoises 

Cutting out the tortoises, deciding on their shape and shell design

Using the cardboard from a pizza box to produce the monoprints! Easy to etch into and produces an interesting texture.

Printing process using the press

Once I'd printed the tortoises and was happy with them, I scanned the two and started digitally editing them in Photoshop. By increasing the levels, contrast and adding white details, it brought them to life and I could start playing around with positioning. Ohh Deer asked for a square design which worked in my favour. I then added the phrase 'You bring me out of my shell' which is a sort of pun but not too cringe! I also decided to submit one that just said 'Happy Valentines Day' as I didn't see many designs with this simple phrase. I love how simple this design is and think it works effectively. The brief says the final designs will be announced at the end of June so fingers crossed they like mine!


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