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Reflective Report for the Year

Looking back over everything I've achieved this year, I feel I've made good progress in terms of the work I'm producing and my knowledge of the industry. In particular, I'm more aware of agencies and publishers, looking at the industry standard I hope to work towards so I can start building up a strong online portfolio. A few months ago we had a talk from the AOI which helped me understand the business side of illustrations, figuring out contracts, copyright, finances and loads of other useful information I didn't know much about. With this, I started to think about defining my specialism and realising that I want to go into children's publishing- with a bit of printmaking on the side! At this stage, it's important to be thinking about progression, both into level 6 and after university which is something that has played on my mind throughout the year; finding opportunities to develop and communicating with people who will help me get to where I want to be.

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